Friday, February 9, 2007

Sex Ed in Schools

Sex education should be taught in the nation's public high schools. I think it should be mandatory that adolescences be exposed to the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases. Adolescents should know about the different kinds of viruses and infections, and how they are transmitted through people. Curriculums should have both methods of education, like abstinence-plus. Teenagers should be made aware of the benefits of abstaining, and they should be taught ways to protect themselves, if they do choose to have sex.

Teenagers are going to make their own choices about if they have sex or if they don't. We as a society need to educate our youth, so they can make the best informed decision for themselves. Sometimes the best way for some teens to learn is by making their own mistakes. Like your mother telling you the stove is hot, but you don't believe her until you burn your hand. If health educators give students the information they need to make the right choices, hopefully teenagers will listen and protect themselves.

I believe that both sides of sex education can be taught without advocating students to go out and have sex. There have been cases at some high schools were a large section of the student population has been infected by an STD. Knowledge is important when it comes to youth knowing about sex. They are going to have to learn about it sometime.


Joyce Emengini said...

Sex education is necessary for today's youth. Your post was very clear in stating that students should be made aware of different health issues involved in having sex, like STDs and pregnancies. I remember right before middle school, we were shown a video on puberty and there was some lecture on the topic of sex, but mostly geared toward puberty and the bodies sexual production. “Sometimes the best way for students to learn is by making their own mistakes,” I think there is some rational to this comment, but with such a fragile subject, sex, it is better to educate and make sure the students are grasping the information for their practical use.

KIRAN said...

I absolutely agree with you on educating and having it as a neccessary mandatory law in every state to allow this. I was only taught in seventh grade when I was growing up and they showed us a video also in "family science" which was the sex education class. We learned stuff in this class relating to sex but they should have done more to deter us from practicing it because many younger teens are starting to. There used to be so many teens pregnant when I was in middle school in New Jersey growing up. Education is the key to stopping these pregnancies.

Freddie said...

Hi Anjelica

I totally enjoyed reading your post. I see that we both agree that it should be mandatory that adolescences be exposed to the dangers of sexual transmitted diseases. They should be taught the dangers of practicing sex outside of a marriage.