Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Healthcare: A Right or Privilege?

I believe that access to healthcare should be a right. In our society, we have so many medical advances and cures for diseases that no one should be suffering from ailments that can easily be cured. It is a fundamental right for human beings to be able to be treated at a hospital without wondering how they will pay for it. The government says that free healthcare is a costly approach and that the private sector can better fund and manage helath care. With the free-market approach, healthcare providers are allowed to raise prices whenever they want. Many families cannot afford to buy insurance policies for their children and themselves. These families are struggling to cover basic living costs. Over 70 million people in the United States are unisured.

If the government controlled healthcare, salaries of healthcare professional would be lower than what they make now. There has to be a way to reform healthcare so that it is a near-win-win situation for health care providers and consumers.


Jessie said...

I, politely, disagree with you. I don't believe the government should have any say in someone’s salary-health profession or otherwise. If someone is willing and able to go through medical school and carry the burden of paying for it, then they have every right to make the salaries they do.
I think giving control of our healthcare to the government, gives away our power as the buyer/user/consumer. As the old saying goes 'beggars can't be choosers' and if we went to a government controlled healthcare system then we would be at their mercy; we would be become beggars

jennifer said...

Wow, I like the dialog here. I see angelica's point as far as all having access to care. I also agree that the government should not say, put a cap on anyone's income. (If they did, they should start with the professional atheletes in my opinion.) The potential for increase in income is a big part of our capitalistic society. HOWEVER, in Europe and Canada, they do have a socialist medicine setup and the physicians there are not some of the highest paid professionals like they are here. At least that is my understanding. I think it's too late to try and establish a socialist health care system here... without perhaps a major market/ economy crash that required rebuilding of our entire setup. We all hope that doesn't happen, so lets hope for some middle ground.

Erin M., RDH said...

I too, politley disagree. I am a healthcare provider, and make a good salary. However, I have worked my back-side off to get where I am today and I believe I earn every penny of what I make. If the government controls healthcare and salaries then we are living under their control a little too much. Where I think the government should step in is in regulating the insurance companies so that that cannot charge astronomical premiums and with the issue of illegal immigrants utilizing governement assisted healthcare while many US citizens are left to fend for themselves.
**I agree, athletes and I will add movie stars, could stand to have their salaries regulated =) ha ha!**

Amaka said...

This position can be both good and bad. I agree that healthcare should be made affordable for all citizens. I disagree that the government should take part in dictating people's salaries to make that possible. There are other ways to improve the costs of healthcare without hindering the lives of other people. I think the best thing the government could do is to set a specific amount for everyone so that they can obtain a certain amount of healthcare like the U.K. government does. This would keep people in decent health and may improve healthcare costs and expenses.

Becca said...

I agree with your argument of how people came along way with medical technology and no one should suffer. Yet I don't think the government can just drastically change the healthcare system in means of any control. Everyone has their own rights to find an insurance because it is not up to the government give anything freely, everything in the world comes at a price. It is not fair for the government or an insurance company to cut a healthcare professionals wages. I do believe however that the government and companies can come together to try and equalize a cost and price for coverage and treatment that fairly manages all wealth classes.