Sunday, April 1, 2007

Blog 11: Aging Healthy

What am I doing to make sure that I am aging healthfully? Right now I am focusing on correcting my eating and exercise habits. Instead of going on a diet, I am trying to focus my changing my food intake as a lifestyle change. So that I will continue eating the right things ten years from now and not fall off in a few months. I am trying to drink a lot more water instead of sodas and juices. Also I am trying to incorporate more exercise into my lifestyle. I want to make physical activity an important factor in my daily routine, but my goal is three days a week no excuses. What can I do better? Well right now controlling my portions and how much I eat is what I am trying to change currently. I know that it is going to be a hard road ahead to incorporate healthy eating and exercise into my lifestyle, but the benefits will definitely be worth it.


miriam said...

Controlling portions is a hard thing to do, especially when you are really hungry and the food before you is really yummy. It reminds me of my "eyes being hungrier than my stomach." One thing I always try to remember with eating is if the food I am about to put into my mouth is worth the calories. That has more implications to me than just calorie control because it makes me think of empty calories--ones without any nutrients--as not worth it either.

honey6 said...

I also need to control the portions of food that I eat. That is an important factor in controlling one's weight. It is hard to do, if you love eating good foods, as I do. Drinking more water is a great idea, I need to start including that in my daily routine.

Jenn said...

It is so great that you are aware of portion size. I know what we eat is important, but the portion control is also important. If we eat a little less and exercise a little more, things seem to fall into place. Exercising is so important for everyone, and especially after this class, it has been a real eye opener. Good luck to you.

Brenda said...

I am trying to drink more water too. I just love Dr. Pepper, so that is a barrier for me. I agree that controlling portions is difficult. I love food. My weight goes up & down, because just when I learn to control my portions and eat more veggies, I fall of the wagon and go to cheeseburger heaven. I need to make "no excuses" as well about exercise. It's so easy to try to justify why we don't have time to take care of ourselves!

Joyce Emengini said...

I think it is good that you are recognizing the importance of healthy habits such as eating and exercise well. That is an interesting point, "instead of going on a diet," you are focusing on changing your food intake as a lifestyle change. This is important for people to know, most people think that if they look a certain way, they have to go on a diet. One can be healthy at a very large weight. As we have learned in this week's module, arthritis is common amongst women, and can be prevented by exercising regularly. This is very important.
Joyce Emengini

Anonymous said...

I think it is good that you reconize what you need to do to age health. Many people just think that what they eat is the problem but what they dont understand is that portion size is very improtant. You can have a nice meal of your favorite food but you need to have portion control so you will not over eat. It is good that you are trying to change what you eat and drink and not trying to change it all at once.

Anonymous said...

I think it's good that you've decided what you need to do and you're working to try to change it and improve your health. I always have the hardest time sticking to a diet and exercise routine, I always seem to stop for a little while and then get back into it. it's a vicious little cycle. Good luck on your endeavors!